Shalom beloveds
I spoke to Timothy Beukman about his God ordained gifts and the journey of discovering and maintaining your own God ordained gifting. I met Tim and his wife at a mutual friend’s wedding in 2019, but only got to know them both better as time went by. As I grew in my faith in Yeshua, I started seeking the truth of His word more and more with each passing day. I discovered that Tim and his wife, are founders of their own Ministry called ‘Treasured Inheritance Ministry International’, and have been doing ministry, missionary work and more for many years. They have traveled to many places around the world to spread the truth of Yeshua and also teach others about Him. Tim is a powerful man of God, who only obeys the will of YHWH. He is an extraordinary teacher of the Word of God and oozes authority through Yeshua. He has this gentle boldness that strikes you deep inside your spirit as he shares and teaches the Word of YHWH. When he teaches, he always leads you toward God and His truth, as he unravels the word of YHWH within its historical and contextual (Hebraic) roots. The way in which he teaches is so easy to understand and comprehend. Listening to these teachings will unlock the truth of YHWH and encourage you to be set-apart as God instructs us all to be. Below he shares more about this and encourages others with their own God ordained gifts.
Please give us a short introduction to who you are and what you do?
I’m Timothy Beukman, currently the co-founder of Treasured Inheritance Ministry International. I am a Teacher and Pastor that believes in the Hebraic Roots of the faith and as such, I have been teaching and training others in the scriptures for close to 13 years. Our Ministry teaches, as well as trains up other faith leaders through the understanding of the full council of the scriptures and the need to understand it in its biblical context and setting.
What is your God ordained gifts and how did you discover them?
This is quite a loaded question (hahaha). I have a few gifts that Yahweh has blessed me with and the way I came to discover each one was a little different each time. The Father has blessed me to have these gifts not for myself in any way but for the edification of His body and the building up of others.
I was blessed to have the gift of ‘discernment of spirits’ as a first gift when I was just saved. This was discovered when I was in rehab and there was a demon possessed young man that came into the program. Yahweh allowed me to discover my gift in the real world and I have come to see that most of the gifts of God work in this way: activated by our faith and trust in Yeshua, in the real world training ground called ‘life’.
I have also been blessed with the ‘gift of knowledge’ (the ability to see the purposes and plans that YHWH has for others): to be able to speak to them as the Father sees them and desirers them to be. I have found many times people think this is prophecy but in essence it’s not the same thing. The discovery of this one was a little more complicated and took me having to step out in faith and believe that what I was feeling, seeing and hearing from YHWH, was the truth for others. It took faith and trust to use this gift but as I did, I saw the power of YHWH and how His words would change the lives of others. His messages were always spot on! So I learned how to use this gift in the setting of praying for others at church or after preaching.
The Father has also blessed me with the ‘gift of teaching’. This one is also a little strange, as I have always had a desire for the word of God. I found that when I read it I would just understand it. However, it also goes hand-in-hand with studying the word of God to show yourself approved. By reading and studying the word YHWH, it helped me to teach it better and more effectively.
‘Speaking in tongues’ and ‘the gift of interpretation’ are my other gifts. – Speaking in tongues only came later for me, and the ability to understand another’s tongue only happens when Yahweh wills it. I will hear someone talking in a tongue but then it’s like they talking to me in English and I can understand every word they are saying during the time they are speaking in that tongue. Yahweh only allows this sometimes and I have come to see for the edification of the body when he desires it to be so. I was prayed for at a conference and it was that evening while praying that I began to speak in a heavenly tongue. I desired to understand what I was saying, as it felt weird to me to speak like that and not really understand what I was saying.
What are the highlights or victories you have achieved through your gift?
I have been blessed to see many lives changed and blessed by the words of Yahweh to them. Through times of ministry and prayer, many have come to learn more about who they are in Yeshua and have been blessed to revive a word for their lives, which has both empowered and helped them to see who they are in Yeshua. As I stated, I have come to learn that my gifts are not for me alone but for the edification of the body of YHWH and for the sole purpose of building up His children As well as being a blessing to them, whether it be teaching, preaching or speaking a word of knowledge, it’s all for the edification of the body and for the building up of His children. So for me that is a highlight and a blessing to see others mature and grow in their faith and walk.
What are the challenges you face or have faced with your gift?
In the beginning there were all kinds of doubts and jealously from people. Many times you see or feel things and when you speak up no one wants to hear because they don’t believe that you can be speaking from YHWH. Maybe at the time when you are young or new to the faith, people tend to judge a lot. But through it all we have to stay strong and overcome, it gets better. Yahweh leads and He guides us with our gifts, in the end it’s our duty to be faithful with what He has given to us, despite what people say or think. I think that people can be the biggest challenge and hindrance to us using our gifts as we should, as well as our own doubts and fears.
What advice can you give to others in pursuing their own God ordained gifts?
Remember that the gifts are an outworking of the relationship we have with Yeshua. Desire the gifts, but make sure you desire the One who gives the gifts first. What I mean is; Yeshua is the goal of our faith- the one who died and rose again and gave gifts unto men for the purpose of building up His body, so that we might all come to the knowledge of who He truly is. Our gifts should draw people to the King and not to ourselves. The gifts are not for our glory but only for the glory of Yeshua. So in seeking your gifting make sure you seek Yeshua first, and allow Him to mould and shape your character so that when you are released to use what He has given you, the glory goes to Him and not to you.
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Thank you for reading, till next time…
Peace and blessings in Yeshua!