To befriend? Or not to befriend?

Shalom beloveds

There are times in your life when you meet people who you’ll befriend. You’ll have good times, bad times and life altering times. Over time you will eventually see their flaws and shortcomings. You will butt heads, forgive and move on or end the friendship. This is just part of life. I have always been a person who is content with my own company. I have met a lot of interesting and fun people over the years and during the times of searching for myself. I have grown and learned many lessons and parted with many friends. Sadly things just change, and sometimes people change along with those things. Its funny how there is always this push and pull between friends and/or friendship circles. I am writing this to set things straight.

My list of friends has grown drastically smaller over time, because I have realised what and who is more important to me and in my life. I also have an on and off relationship with social media, because the online world is a vast place for deception and feuds. I am kind of “off the grid” but on enough to maintain my creative work flowing. If you think that because I am quiet, soft and nice, that I don’t necessarily have a clue as to what is really going on, you are all sorely mistaken. You see, I have a fire inside me that roars and I am fierce enough to smile and move on with my life regardless of the immaturity, selfish motives or eager-to-fool-attitude of some people. I observe EVERYTHING, I am not naive. I take in all the times people take me for granted and think nothing of me. I have been through worse and I have suffered much in the past, that I know what struggle means. I come from nothing, worked hard to have everything I could, and I appreciate the simplest things in life. Do not be fooled by my lack of confrontation or the fact that I rarely call people out on things. This does not mean that I don’t know what people are really doing.

I had “friends” who thought that a last minute invitation was their way of showing that they did their bit, but they needn’t bother, because I picked up on their hidden agendas. I honestly never want to be the last option friend, who was thought of when all else failed. I had “friends” who didn’t wish me on my birthday, but knew exactly when it was (because they still asked me how my birthday went). This I find plain rude! I might not be on Facebook BUT I make an effort to put a reminder on my phone, calendar or planner to remind me on their birthday in order for me to text, call or send you a voice note and wish them. I had “friends” who cowered behind being unbiased, in order to not give an opinion at all. People like this should please grow a backbone and choose a side by standing your ground at least. So you see, I’ve had a rough ride and worse, with people who called themselves my friends.

I made an effort to have intentional and lasting friendships with genuine people who also foster noble character. I’ve trimmed down my friendship circle to have peace of mind and to also hone my self-worth, because I am of great value as is everyone else too. So I deserve to be treated well and respected because I also try my best to respect and treat other individuals well. Despite having about 3 actual friends, I can say that life is still pretty amazing my side, because my friends are authentic and kind human beings. They know what it’s like to be mistreated and hence treat others with respect and love. Even though we haven’t spoken or seen much of each other in months, we still check in on one another via text or call every now and again. When we eventually do catch up in person, it is so refreshing to know that I can still count on them and still consider them REAL friends, because they are honorable and mature human beings and we understand one another.

So if you’ve got bad friends, do yourself a huge favour and move on. I promise you will not regret it. Because after sifting through my own friendships, I have such loving friends that I don’t waste my time and efforts on any bad ones. It’s all about quality, not quantity!

Thank you for reading, till next time…

Peace and blessings in Yeshua.

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