Triggered by trauma

Shalom beloveds

It’s okay to still cry about the days that he controlled you, cheated on you, shoved you, forced himself on you, hit you, swore at you, stole from you, spat at you and tormented you. It’s ok to mourn your dignity and your purity. It’s okay. Healing doesn’t come all at once, it comes in small increments day by day. So let the tears flow, let the hurt go- from your body, mind and soul. Let it escape you, each time you surrender it up, to Yahweh. Bit by bit, you will start to feel less bitter. Day by day you will start to feel much better. It’s okay to take these baby steps as you grow. But flow through the process, let it move you forward slowly and assuredly. Mourn the old you: the pain you endured and all the losses. Don’t suppress, don’t hide, just embrace and let it out.

Trauma moves through your system deeply and slowly, so take your time to heal those wounds. Think of those huge old trees, they grew strong and firmly rooted in the ground over time. How beautiful the growing stages must have been for them. Healing, true healing, takes time. It is a mysterious adventure. But oh, how lovely the process to wholeness is.

Thank you for reading, till next time…

Peace and blessings in Yeshua.

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